Sunday, October 21, 2012

Boring Books

     Lately, it seems like almost every book I pick up, I just can't seem to enjoy. Its almost painful to read them. I've tried almost every book in my library, nothing.
     I've read The Hunger Games, I read the Percy Jackson books, and I've read every single books a person has recommended for me to read. I liked them, but no I can't find anything I want to read. It's almost as if I've already read all the books I like.
     Those old classical books like To Kill A Mockingbird and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, don't interest me at all! I can barely understand what they're talking about, and the time period is hard for me to understand. And, I know, some people call me crazy but I hate, Harry Potter everything. Including the movies. I just can't get into them. And I don't understand why everyone is INLOVE which them.
     I also suffer from the disease of not finishing books. I'm sure if I actually finished books, I might like them, but for some reason if they first 2 chapters are boring, I can't read the rest.
     If anyone has ideas for a series I might like, please let me know. I can't take this any longer. :(

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

     "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson is a stunning novel about a girl named Melinda, who has become a social outcast, after she busted an end of the summer party by calling the police. Her friends won't talk to her, and her family just doesn't understand her at all. She tries to make friends but even they ditch her for the popular group.
     She numbs her pain by cutting herself. When her mom sees her wrist she just laughs at her and says that suicide us a waste of time. I thought that that wasn't very nice of her mom, instead of laughing she should've said something comforting or even gotten her help to deal with anger. Another coping mechanism that Melinda reaches out to is art. In art, she finds that she can express herself in a way that she can't do while talking. Melinda prefers not to talk to other people. Not even her teachers, principle, or family, even if they try to help her. The only teacher she'll talk to is her art teacher, but she can't even tell him how she feels. 
     Melinda likes to be alone, inside her head but even that, she can't do. If she thinks to much she might think about that horrible night of the party, and she'd have to admit what happened, even to herself. And she would have to speak the truth. To everyone. Her ex friends, and her family. And she just doesn't want to risk doing that. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Clique by Lisi Harrison

     The Clique by Lisi Harrison is a favorite of mine from around 4th grade. I've finished the series multiple times and seem to enjoy it even as I get older and read more advanced books. I've always thought they were fun quick reads. I decided to read the first book again and wow. Is all I can say.
     They are very well written for what the book is about. It's hard to write a good book about 5 girls that are all trying to be popular and Lisi Harrison has been doing a pretty good job.
     The Clique is about a group of 4 girls, Massie, Alicia, Dylan, and Kristen. Massie is the "alpha" of their group and everyone follows her around like she's queen. They're all very rich, and spends hours shopping in Saks and Ralph Lauren. Massie's dad's old friend comes and lives with them and he brings his daughter with him, Claire. All Claire wants is to become friends with Massie and her clique, but Massie refuses to except Claire in her denim overalls and tennis shoes. The entire series is essentially about the ups and downs of these 5 girls, and Massie constantly acting supercilious and haughty.
      They Clique is a very good series and would recommend it to anyone but, it's targeted for kids in elementary and middle school (in my opinion) so if you're over 8th grade don't bother bother with it.