Sunday, October 21, 2012

Boring Books

     Lately, it seems like almost every book I pick up, I just can't seem to enjoy. Its almost painful to read them. I've tried almost every book in my library, nothing.
     I've read The Hunger Games, I read the Percy Jackson books, and I've read every single books a person has recommended for me to read. I liked them, but no I can't find anything I want to read. It's almost as if I've already read all the books I like.
     Those old classical books like To Kill A Mockingbird and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, don't interest me at all! I can barely understand what they're talking about, and the time period is hard for me to understand. And, I know, some people call me crazy but I hate, Harry Potter everything. Including the movies. I just can't get into them. And I don't understand why everyone is INLOVE which them.
     I also suffer from the disease of not finishing books. I'm sure if I actually finished books, I might like them, but for some reason if they first 2 chapters are boring, I can't read the rest.
     If anyone has ideas for a series I might like, please let me know. I can't take this any longer. :(

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