Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Clique by Lisi Harrison

     The Clique by Lisi Harrison is a favorite of mine from around 4th grade. I've finished the series multiple times and seem to enjoy it even as I get older and read more advanced books. I've always thought they were fun quick reads. I decided to read the first book again and wow. Is all I can say.
     They are very well written for what the book is about. It's hard to write a good book about 5 girls that are all trying to be popular and Lisi Harrison has been doing a pretty good job.
     The Clique is about a group of 4 girls, Massie, Alicia, Dylan, and Kristen. Massie is the "alpha" of their group and everyone follows her around like she's queen. They're all very rich, and spends hours shopping in Saks and Ralph Lauren. Massie's dad's old friend comes and lives with them and he brings his daughter with him, Claire. All Claire wants is to become friends with Massie and her clique, but Massie refuses to except Claire in her denim overalls and tennis shoes. The entire series is essentially about the ups and downs of these 5 girls, and Massie constantly acting supercilious and haughty.
      They Clique is a very good series and would recommend it to anyone but, it's targeted for kids in elementary and middle school (in my opinion) so if you're over 8th grade don't bother bother with it.


  1. I found this essay really interesting! I thought about The Clique as being more than just the loser wants to be popular kind of thing too. In a way, it talks about all the girls being desperate to gain fame and whether or not that's worth our time. The author might even be drawing a portrait of what so many girls that age are like, whether it's shown obviously like in The Clique or Mean Girls or if it's just internal thoughts that show the want to be known. I really liked how you took a series like The Clique and thought about it more than most people do and I love the way you write!

  2. I definitely agree! Most people think its about a group of mean girls being mean! But I never thought of it being that way. Of course that's part of it, but there is also much more. When you read the books, you realize that they experience a lot of things we do, even if their version is much more exaggerated.
