Sunday, November 18, 2012

Character Relationship

     In the book"The Hate List" by Jennifer Brown, the main character Valerie had a boyfriend named Nick. The two of them didn't have many friends, but they had many enemies. Together, they made a hate list of all the people they didn't like. Valerie didn't mean for it to get as serious as it did. Nick killed many of the people on the list. And he accidentally shot Valerie in the leg, she was trying to protect a friend. After he killed all the people he did, he killed himself.
     Valerie had a hard time getting over Nick. She still loved him, and she felt horrible about it. Many people can't understand why she still loved him. It's a very complicated relationship. Throughout the book, she continues to say, "They didn't see the Nick I knew." I think what she meant by that was, on the outside, Nick was a tough guy, very dark looking and not many people liked him. But Valerie saw a different side of him, when she was with him alone, he was sweet to her and very loving. She loved him, and it's hard to get over a boyfriend even if he did what he did.
     Nobody understood Valerie, especially her parents. Why would you still love someone even if he shot you, and killed many of your classmates? To be honest, I don't think she really understood what he did, of course she knew but I think she didn't want to believe it. She was trying to pretend it didn't happen, she still loved Nick, and she knew he still loved her.


  1. Hey,
    So I tried reading this book last year but didnt like it. I really like this blogpost and you explained it really well. I'll try it again.

  2. It seems like a good blurb/summary of the book showing what was going on leaning us to try and read it
