Sunday, November 25, 2012

This I Believe

     I believe in long term friendships. Having a best friend that you've known a long time is like having a sister you actually like, a therapist, a partner in crime, a confidant, and most importantly, someone you would do anything for.
     I've known my best friend for my entire life. I know everything about her, she knows everything about me. I have know problem telling her my secrets, a neither does she. Sometimes, I don't see her for months at a time, but when I do, you would think we see each other everyday.
     My best friend and I used to fight a lot when we were younger. We'd say, “I hate you, I never want to see you again,” but the next day we'd be back together, as if nothing happened. That's the best part about long term friendships, you know too much about that person to just give up and not be friends anymore. That's how you know if you have a friend or a best friend. I remember the day when we were probably 7, she came over over to my house and we were building a tent in my basement. She had been over all day, and we were having a lot of fun when her mom yelled down that she had to go home. In that moment, we both ran upstairs yelling,”Mommy! We didn't fight today! We didn't fight today!” it was the first time ever, that we had gone one “playdate” without getting into an argument. And since that day, we haven't gotten into a fight.
      Friendship is one of the greatest things in the world to me. I believe that everyone should have a friend that they've known forever, and will hopefully know forever. I have one, and for that I am grateful. This I believe.


  1. I think friendship is one of the greatest things too. Friends are there to make you smile and they are, there for you when you need them. It's really sad not having a friend and being alone. Nice This I Believe

  2. Yeah friendship means a lot to people! It is always something I have and want to keep for the rest of my life. Good belief though!

  3. Great belief lola,
    I apreciate you honering me in your anecdotes. Just Kidding!
    I agree with you, having a best friend for a long time, they become your family. I used to fight with my best friend but the next day it was like nothing happend. I love your definition of a friend! Well done!
    - aleyna
