Sunday, December 9, 2012

Tweak by Nic Sheff

In the book "Tweak" by Nic shelf, the author invites you to read his story about his painful and emotional journey and his drug addiction. The author does a great job of describing his experiences, to the point when you feel like you're going through it not him.

The main character Nic, started his addiction when he was 12 years old. At first he was just stealing liquor from his parents, but each day he did it, he realized he couldn't stop drinking. Not too long after, he started doing crystal meth, heroin, and many more drugs. By the time he was 17 he had already been to many rehabs and 12 step programs, but couldn't seem to stay sober. He started running out of money and stealing from his parents and even little brother and sister. His fun thing had turned into full on addiction that he couldn't stop.

I always wondered what it was that kept on making him relapse, and why he couldn't stay sober. I asked myself that every time I read, towards the end of the book, when he is in his final rehab, I realized it was because of his girlfriend Zelda. He always felt like she was so much better than him. And being high made him feel like they were equal. He loved Zelda but he couldn't be with her if he was gonna stay sober.

 All in all, the book shows you how much trouble you can get into and how hard it can be to stop bad habits. It took Nic a really long time to realize he couldn't stop his addiction on its own. It's amazing that Nic Sheff was able to figure his situation and stay sober.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very sad book and you retold it very well. I liked your discription and details. This was a nice essay and I congratulate you on it.
