Monday, December 17, 2012

Complex Plot

I love books like Pretty Little Liars and Gossip Girl that have very complex plots. What I mean by this is they're constantly being added to and more secrets are found out which make it more complex.

For example, in Pretty Little Liars, you're trying to find out who the mysterious person called "A" is. As you're reading you're hinted that it is someone but then something else happens or someone shares a secret and you're suddenly convinced it's someone else.

To me, these are the best types of books.  I like them because they keep you interested in it throughout reading it. They very often are part of a series too, an throughout the series, you're usually trying to figure out who did what, or what happened and how. Also, in these kinds of books, I can usually imagine everything very well. It's like a movie is playing in my head and I can see perfectly what is going on.

I often struggle with boring books, I just can't seem to get into them, but with books like these with complex plots, I'm always left wondering.


  1. You are so right.The look like they are quick reads but they have twisted plots.I like PLL a little better than Gossip Girl but they are bith great.
    Nice Blog
