Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Drums Girls and Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sonnenblick

In Jordan Sonnenblick's "Drums Girls and Dangerous Pie" we follow the main character Steven as he learns to cope with middle school life, classwork, drums, and girls of course. One thing that separates Steven from most other middle schoolers, is that his brother Jeffery has cancer, throughout the book, he learns to deal with his brothers illness and challenges in school. At the end of the book, and Stevens 8th grade year, we see that he has matured greatly, through the sacrifices he willingly makes for his brother Jeffrey.
Steven shows a lot of maturity when he leaves his All City Jazz Band concert to rush Jeffery to the hospital with his mother. Steven had practiced all year and also had a solo, the concert was even a benefit for Jeffrey! He had been looking forward to that concert all year long, but when Jeffery had a fever, Steven dropped everything to be by his brothers side. He thought about what his friend Samantha, that he had met at the hospital had said about being with his brother no matter what. He wouldn't even let the most important day of his life so far stop him from doing just that. Steven made sacrifices for his brother even though it meant he would miss his concert.
Steven shows the reader his maturity when he shaves his head for Jeffrey.  Steven is usually a very self conscious person , I was shocked when he actually did, it was very selfless and kind of him to do that, even though it probably made him feel uncomfortable. Jeffery had been feeling very embarrassed about having to shave his heat and be bald, Steven did it too, so that Jeffery wouldn't feel alone. Steven was willing to make sacrifices for his brothers and not think about himself in the process. 
When Steven didn't let Renee Albert, the love his life since 3rd grade into his house, because he knew she was sick and Jeffrey couldn't be around that, the reader saw his maturity shine through once again. Steven had liked Renee for a very ling time and knew that any boy would do anything to have her come to their house. But Steven knew a virus would be a great threat to Jeffers health, he once again, thought about his brother instead of himself, so he turned her down even though it meant that he wouldn't get one on one time with Renee Albert!
In the end, Steven went from being a  selfish boy who only cared about himself and what people thought of him, to an amazing young man who cared for others and most importantly his little brother. He matured a lot from beginning to end by making many personal sacrifices for Jeffrey and not thinking about himself. That's why Steven is such a remarkable character. 

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