Sunday, January 27, 2013

Book Genres

 Finding a book genre that you really like and want to continue reading is hard, and something I struggle with a lot. There are so many to choose from and even then you don't know if you will like that exact book. Sometimes I read a book in a completely new genre that I've never read before and I love it. And then I read a book in my usual genre and I hate it

One example of this is  Susan Collins's  "Hunger Games". This book is a futuristic, science fiction book. I normally don't like books like that because I don't care to learn about someones perspective about the future and I really don't like science either. But this book was so well written it didn't even matter to me that it was sci-fi. Overall it was really good. This shows me that sometimes you find a book in a genre you hate.
 All in all, you never know if you will like a book even if it's in your favorite genre of all time. One day you could be reading historical fiction and the next you may be reading a completely different book about realistic fiction. You don't have to have a favorite genre. I Don't. I found a book that outs of my comfort zone and it ended up being one of my favorites.

1 comment:

  1. Great post lola,
    I think you summed up the different generas really well. I agree that its hard to find a new genera after you are used to one. My favorite is realistic fiction.
