Monday, January 21, 2013

Sold by Patricia Mccormick

In Patricia Mccormick's "Sold", we follow the protagonist of the story who is a thirteen year old girl from Nepal, who travels to the city assuming she will become a maid, but  is instead is sold into the popular industry of child prostitution. Throughout her journey she goes through many things and experiences things that most 13 year old do no experience. She is cheated of her earnings and is lied to over and over again, but at the same time she is cared for by her new friends. She shows the reader that no matter what your going through, you need to have hope and be courageous
 The protagonist is put into the "Happiness House" and faces things that she would have never expected. She spent days without food and water locked in a room while she is beaten over and over again for not wanted to have sex with men. Throughout everything, she try's to remain hopeful. She dreams of her family being happy, freedom and sometimes even death. Which sometimes seemed like the best option she had.
 All in all, Patricia Mccormick teaches her readers that no matter what you're going through, being hopeful and positive is all you need to get through it. Never give up no matter how hard it gets, stay optimistic and things will get 
better. The protagonist of this story, gives an excellent example of perseverance through her hardest times.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lola,
    This book looks really sad but good. I've always seen it on Ms.Cunningham's shelf but never picked it up. I'll definitly give it a shot. Great post and outline.
