Monday, December 17, 2012

Complex Plot

I love books like Pretty Little Liars and Gossip Girl that have very complex plots. What I mean by this is they're constantly being added to and more secrets are found out which make it more complex.

For example, in Pretty Little Liars, you're trying to find out who the mysterious person called "A" is. As you're reading you're hinted that it is someone but then something else happens or someone shares a secret and you're suddenly convinced it's someone else.

To me, these are the best types of books.  I like them because they keep you interested in it throughout reading it. They very often are part of a series too, an throughout the series, you're usually trying to figure out who did what, or what happened and how. Also, in these kinds of books, I can usually imagine everything very well. It's like a movie is playing in my head and I can see perfectly what is going on.

I often struggle with boring books, I just can't seem to get into them, but with books like these with complex plots, I'm always left wondering.


Heart beating, heads aching from the tight, high buns our mothers gave us. The smell of sweat, hairspray, and deodorant overwhelm me. I can't breath. My throat feels tight and I'm sweating. I think I might pass out . Daniela grabs my hand before I do and snaps me out of it.
“Are you nervous?” She asked.
“Me?” She nodded, “Um no, just excited.,”I lied, I'm an eight year old girl about to perform with the Mark Morris Student Company. “Not nervous at all,”
The 14 of us stand crowded in the unfamiliar tech room, reserved for performers only. We watched the older girls on the small T.V. They were amazing,
“I hope to dance like that when I'm older” I whispered into Layla's ear.
The purple and blue lights from their dance flash through the tiny windows on the door. Layla and I held hands, our way to give each other good luck, we were too anxious to speak. My leotard was making me irritated. It was itchy and I couldn't wait to take it off. It was ugly too, light blue and green velvet leotard and blue water colored chiffon skirt, with a butterfly sewed to the hip. Yeah. I hated it. We apparently looked “cute” and “so adorable”, and thats all that really mattered, so I guess we were stuck with it.
“Ready to go,” Misty and Sarah said in unison. “Break a leg!” Their faces were red and tired, like they just ran 5 miles and hadn't slept for days. They've been anticipating this moment for months.
So were we. All our practice would finally pay off and we would perform.
We walked on stage. You could hear the quiet pitter patter of out feet prance across the floor. We took our places. The first dance was fast, the “Texas Wildflower” dance, or the hoedown, as we liked to call it.
I danced the best I could, we all did, we danced for Misty, what she told us earlier was going to change us forever.
I felt betrayed and angry but I wanted to cry and hug her and never ever ever ever let go but I knew this day was coming but it could wait right she didn't have to leave? She did, we all knew it. In the middle of dance, I looked and saw her crying, I missed my music que, I was late, she's not crying anymore.
The dance teacher I've had since I was 4 years old, was moving to texas to take care of her mom after her dad died. I didn't know how to feel. All these thoughts screaming to come out.
I felt guilty for even thinking I was mad at her, everyone did. But we weren't mad, we were just confused. I didn't want to be selfish so I put on my happy, brave face.
At the end of the show, when we went to do our bows, everyone was crying, even our parents and especially Misty and us. We ran up and hugged her, one big crying circle. It was out last dance together, ever. The bright stage lights stung our red, puffy eyes.”I'm going to miss her so so much” I said to myself, “We all are.”
To this day, I remember Misty so well. The way she taught, and danced, her loud country accent, and cheesy jokes, the way she owns every room she'll ever walk into with her fun personality. How she loved to sing along the piano and sing old themes songs from ancient TV shows. Shes the teacher that taught me how to dance, she taught me all the fundamentals, she sparked the fire, and she did it so well. I miss her, but I know how shes owning up the whole state of texas.  

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Tweak by Nic Sheff

In the book "Tweak" by Nic shelf, the author invites you to read his story about his painful and emotional journey and his drug addiction. The author does a great job of describing his experiences, to the point when you feel like you're going through it not him.

The main character Nic, started his addiction when he was 12 years old. At first he was just stealing liquor from his parents, but each day he did it, he realized he couldn't stop drinking. Not too long after, he started doing crystal meth, heroin, and many more drugs. By the time he was 17 he had already been to many rehabs and 12 step programs, but couldn't seem to stay sober. He started running out of money and stealing from his parents and even little brother and sister. His fun thing had turned into full on addiction that he couldn't stop.

I always wondered what it was that kept on making him relapse, and why he couldn't stay sober. I asked myself that every time I read, towards the end of the book, when he is in his final rehab, I realized it was because of his girlfriend Zelda. He always felt like she was so much better than him. And being high made him feel like they were equal. He loved Zelda but he couldn't be with her if he was gonna stay sober.

 All in all, the book shows you how much trouble you can get into and how hard it can be to stop bad habits. It took Nic a really long time to realize he couldn't stop his addiction on its own. It's amazing that Nic Sheff was able to figure his situation and stay sober.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

This I Believe

     I believe in long term friendships. Having a best friend that you've known a long time is like having a sister you actually like, a therapist, a partner in crime, a confidant, and most importantly, someone you would do anything for.
     I've known my best friend for my entire life. I know everything about her, she knows everything about me. I have know problem telling her my secrets, a neither does she. Sometimes, I don't see her for months at a time, but when I do, you would think we see each other everyday.
     My best friend and I used to fight a lot when we were younger. We'd say, “I hate you, I never want to see you again,” but the next day we'd be back together, as if nothing happened. That's the best part about long term friendships, you know too much about that person to just give up and not be friends anymore. That's how you know if you have a friend or a best friend. I remember the day when we were probably 7, she came over over to my house and we were building a tent in my basement. She had been over all day, and we were having a lot of fun when her mom yelled down that she had to go home. In that moment, we both ran upstairs yelling,”Mommy! We didn't fight today! We didn't fight today!” it was the first time ever, that we had gone one “playdate” without getting into an argument. And since that day, we haven't gotten into a fight.
      Friendship is one of the greatest things in the world to me. I believe that everyone should have a friend that they've known forever, and will hopefully know forever. I have one, and for that I am grateful. This I believe.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Character Relationship

     In the book"The Hate List" by Jennifer Brown, the main character Valerie had a boyfriend named Nick. The two of them didn't have many friends, but they had many enemies. Together, they made a hate list of all the people they didn't like. Valerie didn't mean for it to get as serious as it did. Nick killed many of the people on the list. And he accidentally shot Valerie in the leg, she was trying to protect a friend. After he killed all the people he did, he killed himself.
     Valerie had a hard time getting over Nick. She still loved him, and she felt horrible about it. Many people can't understand why she still loved him. It's a very complicated relationship. Throughout the book, she continues to say, "They didn't see the Nick I knew." I think what she meant by that was, on the outside, Nick was a tough guy, very dark looking and not many people liked him. But Valerie saw a different side of him, when she was with him alone, he was sweet to her and very loving. She loved him, and it's hard to get over a boyfriend even if he did what he did.
     Nobody understood Valerie, especially her parents. Why would you still love someone even if he shot you, and killed many of your classmates? To be honest, I don't think she really understood what he did, of course she knew but I think she didn't want to believe it. She was trying to pretend it didn't happen, she still loved Nick, and she knew he still loved her.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Revolt of the Evil Fairies by Ted Poston

    The protagonist of Ted Poston’s “Revolt of the Evil Fairies” witnesses, and becomes part of an extremely unfair situation with his theater teacher Miss LaPrade, when she doesn’t let him be Prince Charming in the play because of his dark skin. He shows us determination in the face of segregation and discrimination. He also shows us that it is important to stand up for what you believe in, even if you don’t get what you desired.
     The protagonist would do anything to get the role even though he “knows” he can’t get it because of his race and skin color. He threw his soul into his part of auditioning for Prince Charming to prove he was good enough, he even stole his sister’s skin lightening cream to make his skin lighter. Nothing could work, he was black, and he couldn’t change that, no matter how bad he wanted to. It's sad that someone would try to change the color of their skin for role in play. They shouldn't have to even think about doing that.
     He was inconsolable the first year they turned him down for Prince Charming. They picked another boy, who stuttered. But he was light enough to pass for white, so apparently that was competent. This teaches us that you shouldn't pick someone because of their skin color, you should pick someone based off of their capability.
     The real heartache happens when the love of his life, Sarah Williams is chosen for Sleeping Beauty. He becomes indignant when he is left as an evil fairy sulking in the background, while another boy is onstage, front and center, kissing Sarah Williams. During the play, the protagonist challenges the antagonist (Prince Charming), to a fight onstage, after he hit him on the head with his sword. The protagonist gets in trouble, and isn’t allowed to appear in the play next year, but at least he learned that discrimination is extremely unfair, and nobody should discriminate against anyone.
     The protagonist of Ted Poston’s “Revolt of the Evil Fairies”, is determined. He shows us that it is important to fight for your rights when standing up for what you believe in, even if you don’t get what you desired. This shows determination in the face of discrimination and segregation.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Boring Books

     Lately, it seems like almost every book I pick up, I just can't seem to enjoy. Its almost painful to read them. I've tried almost every book in my library, nothing.
     I've read The Hunger Games, I read the Percy Jackson books, and I've read every single books a person has recommended for me to read. I liked them, but no I can't find anything I want to read. It's almost as if I've already read all the books I like.
     Those old classical books like To Kill A Mockingbird and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, don't interest me at all! I can barely understand what they're talking about, and the time period is hard for me to understand. And, I know, some people call me crazy but I hate, Harry Potter everything. Including the movies. I just can't get into them. And I don't understand why everyone is INLOVE which them.
     I also suffer from the disease of not finishing books. I'm sure if I actually finished books, I might like them, but for some reason if they first 2 chapters are boring, I can't read the rest.
     If anyone has ideas for a series I might like, please let me know. I can't take this any longer. :(

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

     "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson is a stunning novel about a girl named Melinda, who has become a social outcast, after she busted an end of the summer party by calling the police. Her friends won't talk to her, and her family just doesn't understand her at all. She tries to make friends but even they ditch her for the popular group.
     She numbs her pain by cutting herself. When her mom sees her wrist she just laughs at her and says that suicide us a waste of time. I thought that that wasn't very nice of her mom, instead of laughing she should've said something comforting or even gotten her help to deal with anger. Another coping mechanism that Melinda reaches out to is art. In art, she finds that she can express herself in a way that she can't do while talking. Melinda prefers not to talk to other people. Not even her teachers, principle, or family, even if they try to help her. The only teacher she'll talk to is her art teacher, but she can't even tell him how she feels. 
     Melinda likes to be alone, inside her head but even that, she can't do. If she thinks to much she might think about that horrible night of the party, and she'd have to admit what happened, even to herself. And she would have to speak the truth. To everyone. Her ex friends, and her family. And she just doesn't want to risk doing that. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Clique by Lisi Harrison

     The Clique by Lisi Harrison is a favorite of mine from around 4th grade. I've finished the series multiple times and seem to enjoy it even as I get older and read more advanced books. I've always thought they were fun quick reads. I decided to read the first book again and wow. Is all I can say.
     They are very well written for what the book is about. It's hard to write a good book about 5 girls that are all trying to be popular and Lisi Harrison has been doing a pretty good job.
     The Clique is about a group of 4 girls, Massie, Alicia, Dylan, and Kristen. Massie is the "alpha" of their group and everyone follows her around like she's queen. They're all very rich, and spends hours shopping in Saks and Ralph Lauren. Massie's dad's old friend comes and lives with them and he brings his daughter with him, Claire. All Claire wants is to become friends with Massie and her clique, but Massie refuses to except Claire in her denim overalls and tennis shoes. The entire series is essentially about the ups and downs of these 5 girls, and Massie constantly acting supercilious and haughty.
      They Clique is a very good series and would recommend it to anyone but, it's targeted for kids in elementary and middle school (in my opinion) so if you're over 8th grade don't bother bother with it.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

Dear journal,
     Heaven is much different then what I expected. Well, I didn't really have a clear idea of it, I never would've thought I'd be dead at 14. I always thought I'd live a long life.
     Over the first few weeks of me being here. I have been watching my family, friends and my very own life go on without me. I've watched my parents marriage falling apart over me. I feel like all he bad things going on at home are my fault. I didn't choose to get murdered. I wish they could keep things the way they were before. For me. But I guess it doesn't even matter anyway. What's done is done and I have to stop feeling sorry for myself. Im dead. I'm in heaven. And I can't change anything. This is what its gonna be like for now on. It's almost like I'm stranded behind one of those pieces of glass, where I can see them, but they can't see me. I just wish I could just run through it. I miss my mom and dad, I miss Buckley and Lindsay, I even just miss my own bed. Everyday, something looks different. Lindsay started wearing makeup. I wish I was there. She really needs some help with it, I guess she's gotten better at it. It's just so strange to see my family this way, so hollow looking.
     My father knows Mr. Harvey did this to me. I just wish everyone else would see it too. Lindsay knows it too. She snuck into his house the other day, and stole the drawing of the hole he killed me in. I will say, that Mr. Harvey is very good at covering up his murder. He's always so kind to the officers coming to ask him questions, he says she feels bad for the "poor girl",and the person that did it is a terrible person, and blah blah blah. I hate watching that, it makes me sick to my stomach.
     Lots of love,
            Suzie S

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Dreamland by Sarah Dessen #Spoiler alert

     I recently finished "Dreamland" by Sarah Dessen. It's mainly about a 16 year old girl name Caitlin who's sister Cass, ran away to new york to be with her boyfriend. 
     Caitlin changes a lot throughout the book. In the beginning, she meets this guys named Rogerson who's a drug dealer. Even though she always goes with him when he's dealing, she never did any drugs. But one day when she meets this girl Corinna, who is a chain smoker, she decides to try pot. And she continued smoking pot everyday with Corinna because it made her forget about Cass, and numb the pain of missing her.
     One day, Caitlin and Rogerson go to his house past his curfew. And Rogerson's dad comes in the room and slaps him. When Caitlin see's this part of Rogerson's life it makes her understand him more and become closer to him. 
     When Caitlin and Rogerson were driving in the car, they got into a huge fight, And he slaps her. This started happening a lot. But she loved Rogerson too much to break up with him.
     At the end of the book, Caitlin's mom see's Rogerson hitting her and calls the police. Rogerson get's arrested. And her mom finds a bag of weed in Caitlin's jacket, so she puts her in rehab.
    In rehab, she talks about her feelings with Cass running away, and how she always felt like she was following in her sisters footsteps, so Rogerson was her way of creating her own path.
    "Dreamland" by Sarah Dessen is an amazing book about a girl dealing with her sister running away, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

     I recently finished the touching and powerful book, "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. The main character was a girl, named Scout Finch who lives with her brother and her father Atticus, a triumphant lawyer in their tired town of Maycomb, Alabama. Jem and scout become friends with a boy named Dill, who is living in Maycomb for the summer. The three of them become fascinated by the spooky house on the end of street called the Radley Place. The house is owned by Mr. Nathan Radley, who's brother, Boo Radley, has lived their for years without ever leaving it. Many bad rumors surround him, like that he is a runaway murderer who steals children. But Atticus tells  them to see the world from other peoples perspective.
     Another plot line involves a black man named Tom Robinson, who is charged of raping a white woman. Atticus take the case because he believes that their is a serious mistake. The entire Finch family is given the cold shoulder by their white neighbors, and welcomed into the black community. When the trial is finally over Atticus proved that the white woman actually seduced Tom and the bruises and cuts on her face from her father. mad that she tried to sleep with a black man. Despite the evidence that Atticus has, the white jury convicts Tom and he is later killed while trying to escape from jail.
    The woman's father is angry at Atticus because he claims he made a fool of him. So he attacks Scout and Jem one night, and tries to hurt them. But they are saved Boo. Who then kills the attacker.
    Scout finally comes face to face with the person she has been fearing this whole time, and realizes that Boo is very kind man, who stays covered because he suffers from a mental issue that makes him appear simple. The lesson that Scout learns from Tom and from Boo is the importance of seeing people how they are, and not from the misunderstandings of racism.